Free Download KPRM Standalone Offline Installer for Windows. It is used to clean your system of other applications and cleanse other applications that create folders in folders in which the average users usually do not examine. It removes the following software:
- adlizediag (tigzy)
- ads (gen-hackman)
- adsfix (gene-hackman)
- Adwcleaner (Malwarebytes)
- ahk_navscan (batch_man)
- AlphadeCrypter (Michael Gillespie)
- ASWMBR (Avast! Software)
- auroradecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
- AutorunsVTchecker (registration)
- Offline Cryptomix Ransomware decoded (Avast! Software)
- Avenger (Swandog46)
- BitkangarooDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
- Bitstakdecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
- Blitzblank (Emsisoft)
- Btcwaredecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
- Catchme (Gmer)
- Check the browser LNK (Alex Dragokas & Regist)
- ckscanner (Askey127)
- Clean_dns (Gen-Hackman)
- Clearlnk (Alex Dragokas)
- cmd_command (Gen-Hackman)
- Coinvaultdecryptor (Kaspersky Labs)
- Comboofix (Subs)
- Crypt38decrypter (Michael Gillespie)
- Cryptosearch (Michael Gillespie)
- DDS (Subs)
- Crypton Ransomware Decryptor (Emsisoft)
- Defogger (Jpshortstuff)
- dcrydecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
- eset online scanner (ESET)
- FileslockerDecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
- Fixexec ( Bleeping computer)
- FST (Farbar)
- Fixing purge (McVivien2)
- fss (Farbar)
- Gibon Ransomware Decryptor (Michael Gillespie)
- GOOREDFIX (JPSHortstuff)
- grantperms (grantperms (grantperms (scholarships) (scholarships (scholarships) (Jpshorttel)
- hiddentear bruteforcer (Michael Gillespie)
- Hiddentear Decyptter (Michael Gillespie)
- HostSexpert (Funkytoad)
- Hosts-Perm.bat (Bleeping computer)
- InsaneCryptdecrypter (Michael Gillespie)
- Javara (Fred de vries et paul mclain)
- puzzler decipher (Michael Gillespie)
- Junkware removal tool (Malwarebytes Corporation)
- Listparts (Farbar)
- Logonfix (Xplode )
- mbar (Malwarebytes Corporation)
- Mbrcheck (A_D_13)
- mbr.
grantperms (grantperms (farbar)